Galerie Lorelei/
Olivia de Posson

Grote Zavel - 3
Place du Grand Sablon
1000 Brussels

M. +32 497 46 25 46

Instagram : @oliviadeposson


— Olivia De Posson, Solo show

Olivia is an Energy artist.
Light is her language: bypassing words to communicate directly with the soul.

Energy being invisible; how to put words on Olivia?
Olivia plunges in the depths of the unconscious to discover the Light within.
She chooses and vibrates bliss.
She allows each day to be sacred.

Allow, trust, let go.
This is how she opens the channel to subtle realms, the source of infinite creativity.
FEELING the world as well as thinking it.

The high vibrations she receives carry unconditional love.
She lets them diffuse, through her whole being, before conveying them through her hands.

COLOR stands for the life force.
The vibrant energy nourishing our souls.
MOVEMENT stands for the flow.
The freedom that allows magic be part of the play.

Olivia perceives art beyond the object. 
It’s about people. 
Helping to feel and remember the enlightened beings we are deep inside.
Opening hearts.


Olivia de Posson